Show Work Stress Who's Boss With 6 Quick Tips
Any work day is certainly unpredictable. Your manager might be in a state that makes ‘bad mood’ seem like a gentle hug ... A deadline on a challenging project is suddenly brought forward. And when you discover your blueberry Jalna has been opened and enjoyed by somebody not you, you’re officially overwhelmed.
Whatever it is that’s out of your control and causing you to feel stressed, here are some mindful ways to take charge of your emotions and power-down your environment.
Breathe consciously, somewhere quiet
Ideally step outdoors, otherwise sit in an empty meeting room or pop into a bathroom cubicle and take a few slow, deep breaths to feel calmer instantly.
Look beyond your work space
Again, head outside if possible. Otherwise take yourself to any window that has a view. Really focus on the details: the clouds shifting, treetop hues, architecture, the array of people filling their day. Try to observe and be present with the world around you.
Remind yourself of loved ones and highlights
In that quiet space, with the ease of your phone, look at pictures of friends, family and pets. Read a text that made you laugh, feel understood or appreciated. Check out an image of an upcoming event or trip that excites you.
Clear the desks
Some people feel more creative with a desk piled high - but if that’s not you, do a quick desk edit and move everything into a temporary space so that what remains is your sole focus.
Turn down the noise
Open plan environments are noisy, sometimes infuriatingly so. One way to reduce noise and invite more clarity is to lower the volume on the printers, your desk phone and mobile.
Be upfront with co-workers
Your workday will always be peppered with interruptions, but you can try to minimise them. If you have a lot to get through or complex work, politely let workmates know that today you need to keep your head down. Tell them you’ll happily return to Netflix chats tomorrow.
Next time you notice yourself feeling stressed at work, sidestep the resentment quicksand and choose a new way. Be the Boss of your emotions with small, mindful actions that will bring calm to your self while you meet the demands of your day.